Wednesday, April 25, 2007

getting ready for ohio

i am leaving for toledo tomorrow for my bus depture for cleveland to meet my close friend who is living there now so we can leave on friday for her friends house together then on sat go to deaf nation expo together i can't wait for tomorrow to leave i am exciting about it i haven't seen my friend since jan it seems like years but it was only 4 months since. i can't wait for tomorrow i missed my friend can't wait to see her tomorrow when she pick me up from the bus station i will be leaving little late afternoon will be in cleveland in early evening about the time she finish with work. I can't wait to have fun with her like hang out with her like chatting catching up about our lives and etc... can't wait to have fun with her

Friday, April 20, 2007

lost the connect to my laptop

last night i lost my connect on my laptop MAN!!! it was sooo boring night of my life when i am without laptop waaah!! and again tonight it will be boring night of my life also. I can't believe it i can't stand being without computer for few days hopefully i would get it back tomorrow or tomorrow night sighs can't wait to get it back and have fun with it again it was terrible boring for me without my baby (laptop) of course my laptop is my baby LOL!!
i can't live without my laptop ugh. hurry someone get my connect back on GRR haha i miss my laptop very much and even being on. I am bitting my nails right now because i have nothing to do except using my dad's desktop computer for while which i hate to use ugh. His computer is old!! and he not like to get new one oh well that is up to him anyway. For me i still plan to get new laptop later on but having money problems right now i hope it will be alright later on.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

today is somewhat bad day

i had somewhat bad day and when i woke up and was little sleepy when my mother keeping asking me questions about the deaf expo OH GOD why is she on my case again about that scoffs she just wanted to know WHERE i would be i told her in columbus she got so freak out so easy that i blew up on her to stop control my life and stop ask me where i would be at GRR
i can't believe that she is doing it again sighs but anyway i gave her lot of informations so she will leave me alone but dad make me feel better that he told me to go he thinks it is great that i am going and get out of the house and do something and i can be able to meet deaf people because he was watching me suffering so much be alone all the time. i told him that mom not need to get freak out cuz i am still plan of going with close friend of mine that they have know since she was little that they trusted i am still going whew!!!

so anyway after i watch the time to clean out the problems video i finally got it to work it got me to feel better after watch it
it was funny video and definity love it i hope everything will go smooth with my trip to ohio

Saturday, April 14, 2007

deaf nation exp here i come

i am going to deaf nation expo with close friend of mine
we just talk about going there today and about getting me to my friend apt and join her to the exp and we decide that i would go to cleveland ohio few days before the expo to meet her them zoom to columbus ohio on friday to stay at her friends house then saturday go to the expo and have fun hopefully to meet kim,kenya and cheri hope to meet pam and brad there if i can meet them can't wait to go there to see everything EXCITING!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

snow had come back GRR

GRR snow come back ruined my moods blah i wanted snow to go away for while i hate snow really hate it i am getting tired of snow sighsi can't believe it it was snowing today all day dang dang it is crap to see the snow again ugh GO AWAY SNOW

Saturday, April 7, 2007


spring is here almost oh well i hate winter because of the cold temptures i hate cold temptures blah i wanted winter to stay away for while so i don't have to deal with my SAD blah soon summer will be here i love spring and summer because of warm weather and high temptures hanging there i hate winter because cold weather and temptures blah i wanted spring back dang
i like spring because of warmth temptures and i love summer too as well and i like spring and summer weather because i don't have to wear winter coat scoffs i hate to wear coat i like to wear light weight jacket for spring and just wear shorts and T-shirt for the summer i like to wear whatever i wanted during summer not to worry about to wear warm clothes during winter

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Easter is coming up

can't believe that easter is coming up soon time go so fast i like easter but not really my favorite holiday but i always like easter been celebrate easter since i was kid and i would wear my light color clothes i might go to my sister in IND to see my sister and her family even her dogs of course i miss her dogs. my sister's birthday have gone by and my mom's birthday and mine are coming up hope soon i will get puppy but i am not sure when i will get the puppy i plan to get new laptop but i have to research to see if i can do the monthy payments on new laptop best one than my old one so i don't have to pay full on it. i am almost finished with my cruise payments yaya.
i have lot of things to do this summer that i will be busy and keep myself busy and soon i go to the deaf nation expo with a close friend of mine and my friend's wedding is coming up and i am invited to her wedding and visit my friend in cleveland where she will be living soon next month (May)
can’t wait to have fun this summer even with my friends and family of course

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

i made cupcakes

yesterday i make cupcakes with cherry favor cake mix and put vanilla frosting on top it was SO good i love cupcakes i will make more later on for my sweet tooth that drives me nuts for i feel like cupcakes yesterday that why i make those i like to make cupcakes it is not hard to make YUM!!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

happy birthday to my sister

wanted to say happy birthday to my sister and she is older than me HUGS sister i love you