Saturday, August 29, 2009

4th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina over New Orleans

4th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that striked New Orleans in August 29, 2005 and flooded New Orleans and force the city as ghost town

Katrina was worse hurricane on record.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

shopping trip at the mall

i went to the Mall today and did shop a little but i wanted to go back since i am not done hopefully i can go back next week i am sure of.

i got race to Witch Mountain and Blood&Chocolate since i felt like wanted to buy some DVDs i am glad
i did watch the movie Race to Witch Mountain it was good and i am glad that I brought that and it worth of shot.

i brought New Moon the movie tshirt.

I need to go to Blockbuster to buy more movies. Blockbuster have good prices.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

getting better from the infection

i am getting better from chest infection and i am glad that i don't have trouble stopping coughing and to breathe.
i am resting as i can. i have lot things to do since being sick with the infection. That i need to catch up and get things done. like finished reading and doing my projects.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

have chest infection and it stink to have

have chest infection

i had chest infection that i had for 3 weeks that i had to go to doctor to get antibodies for it. i hope it will go away soon
i hate to have it ugh it has been so long and it didn't go away until i went to the doctor and i got the medication
i knew that i might got chest infection beyond of bronchitis that i got. it stinks to have it.
but i am doing ok but still feeling tired due the infection i had.

things are good around here

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Shopping trip

i went shopping today and it was good

i went to Michael and got some of things i need for my cross stitch projects. got wolves cross stitch kit whew will get more

i got 2 books that i was looking for about wolves i am glad and i got Twilight tshirt and the book new moon hope that the new moon stuff will come out soon then i can collect new moon stuff.
i am glad about that yay

Monday, August 3, 2009

afternoon outing

after i had my nap i went out to my bank and put my money in, so i need to write my bills.
went to Borders to check some books out but wouldn't find so guess i need to make a trip to Barnes and Noble to check out the books that i wouldn't find hopefully this week. i found few cross stitch magazines and i like the patterns in those magazines, so that why i got them. i had good time there anyway. i love bookstore, they are one of my favorites.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August is here

it is amazing that August is here already
i am still not sure if my friend would like me to come i felt that she is not motivate of my visit oh well i wish i have my license then i can go anytime anyway i miss her so much we haven't talk for while recently and i am scared of our friendship and i have little feelings that we might not be friends anymore. but i won't let it bother me as i am just let it chill out.
we are going to Toledo today to baseball game with my nephew and my niece. we will have fun. i hate to leave Pappy in the cage too long but nothing i can do about it.