Friday, November 27, 2009

relaxing weekend coming up

it was good day as i went out to get Pappy food and etc...
I felt better I always use shopping as therapy.

I love relaxing weekend

Happy Thanksgiving

today is Thanksgiving

we went to my brother in law's parents house everyone were there it was awesome beside i was not feeling well ugh and i did fell asleep I hate feeling so tired. But I was doing ok.

the foods are so good and i did got some pumpkin pie I love mom's pie as it is my favorite. YUM
i hope that mother can make 2nd one soon from the "leftover" hopefully we can go out and get some pie crust for it.
I need to get some dog food for Pappy. hopefully soon -very soon.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

busy weekend

It was busy this week taking care of Pappy and he is doing well. I went to mall today got more New Moon stuff. I wanted Volturi necklace I am hopefully to find it soon. I hope they will make more of the necklaces.
I love t shirts. I brought more books, I am crazy about books this year than I have before.
tomorrow I go to party with family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pappy is sick

Pappy is sick and he is staying over night at Vet hospital
I am scared about him. I hope he will be fine. I am nervous but I did email the hospital and I am getting more updates about him that made me feel better that I am getting updates on him. I know that they are very good with Pappy. I miss his presence beside me. hopefully he will be better to go home tomorrow,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

my oldest niece birthday

today is my oldest niece's birthday she is 10 now, I can't believe she is 10. It scared me little bit.
i am hopefully that she is having fun today. I am sure she will have sumber party soon for her birthday. I never had sumber party only I had with my friend that all.
the date of the movie New Moon is getting close.

Friday, November 6, 2009

beinning of the weekend

this is beinning of first weekend of November

my baby niece is one years old now and my almost 4 years old niece will be 4 in 2 weeks
this month had been crazy with all the birthdays in my family
my baby niece, my younger niece, my oldest niece and my brother that it seems little expensive beside Christmas.

I do love them all

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday Night

tonight i watch ghost hunters right now

I am sad that i didn't see my friend last month as it seems to be crazy month for her that she can't be able to get time off,
hopefully she can come during Thanksgiving I do miss her.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November is here

I can't believe that November is here that October is gone. Time had gone fast that i wouldn't believe where it goes.
I have 4 birthdays this month my 3 nieces' and my brother's birthdays

today is my youngest niece's birthday she's one year old now. I wouldn't believe that she is one year old. Just few days ago it was Pappy's 5th oh boy.

I am glad that I finished their birthday presents shopping whew.. And now that I need to get christmas shopping start early.