Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Got new cell phone

I got new cell phone at Verizon.
I am pissed at T mobile for lousy service. They shun down my phone before I would transfer my stuff into my new cell phone.

Scott was not happy that I didn't get iPhone sighs, but I will get the new one this fall. I am starting to save money for the iphone, and get it active soon.
Mom refused to let me get new iphone, she is too much a controller on me. I need a life without her controlling my life GRR.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to mom

we went to sharton hotel for brunch the food there are good. I really enjoyed them. I got full fast heh.
It was beautiful day perfect for mom to enjoy her day.

I am glad that mom had good day on her special day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May is here

I can't believe that May is already here

I am still doing not much.. but weather is becoming warm but not much. I have feelings that we will have more storms like last month. The ones in Alabama is terrible, series of tornadoes wrapes towns.

creative projects
I am having small break on projects right now. But I am still planning to take some of them to Northern Minnestoa this summer. Also bring books to read of course.