Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mother Nature vs Father Winter

I guess this year that Mother Nature and Father Winter were at war with each other this winter (2013) as they get along very well last winter (2012) that I didn't get much of snow and much colder temperatures than this winter 2013 that I got lot of snow and much colder temperatures.

In January the coldest month of the year. Febrauary was not so bad but still got lot of winterstorms as last one in last week of Feb was so bad. Right now we were supposed to get snow along with the winterstorm hitting in south of Michigan yesterday but seems the storm had miss Michigan as the storm already hit few states there. I hope Michigan will not get more snow later on.

This coming up weekend Michigan will get springlike temperatures in time for Easter. I am anxiously for it.

Friday, March 15, 2013

One Year Later of Dexter Tornado

Anniversary of the Dexter, Mich tornado that hit a year ago today, over 200 homes and businesses were damaged. Recovery from the tornado is still in recovery. Some people wouldn't afford to repaired the houses or rebuilding.

yesterday was 3 month since Sandy Hook. Soon it will be 5 months since Hurricane Sandy in end of this month.  This winter was normal with lot of snow and snowstorms. We had lot of snow this winter than last winter of 2012. Winter 2012 was very warm and it was alike Spring.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Busy Day

I am home about 11pm last night. Landed about 8:30pm and didn't get home until 11pm. Oh well. I had my dinner so late since there were no dinner on the plane. I enjoyed my veggie soup, my favorite soup and also easy to heat up. My rule after get home from traveling at night or afternoon, I won't cook full dinner. Always make easy dinner, like heating up fozen pizza, soup or whatever is easy to make and that won't take me too long to make.

My trip to Austin was great I got to see my baby nephew. He loves me and always smiles at me all the times every time he saw me. On first night in Austin, I got to see the bat flying out of the bridge as I always wanted to see and I got to take pictures of the bats. The week was good and the weather was very nice everyday warm and etc.. We ate together twice as family. It was very nice. Hope next time will be longer vacation. I love homemade dounts and homemade pizza. YUM!! so good.

Pappy is home. I picked him up this morning and I saw something on his front legs and I freaked out. I had to call the vet about it. He was checked out 2 hours ago. He is fine, I am sure he was stressed out that why he broke out rashes. Now he is on skin cream medication which I need to put it on his front legs. It was really busy day and little exhuasted of course for him. He is sleeping right now.

I have feelings that tonight won't be good night for me since I am worried about him being so tired and need to be watched. But Pappy is fine physically but he is exhausted.

Friday, March 1, 2013

First day of March

Just dropped Pappy at his boarding Kennel this afternoon. Tomorrow I leave for Austin Texas. I can't wait. I am really excited to see my nephew for first time since he was born. I am packing right now since I got home from dropping Pappy off.  I am leaving tomorrow night, it will be my first night flight out of Detroit but not first red eye flight, it was 2nd one.

Not much going on from my last post.