Monday, May 26, 2014

Had Great Weekend.

I had great weekend. weather was awesome, Sunny all the weekend. Pappy had his freedom on the deck outside but had to watch him because he is good at escaping, as he is a escape artist.
Had S'Mores in front of fire on the fire pit. I loved it.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

MRI this morning.

I had MRI this morning and really glad things went great and is very pleased that my heart is doing good.

I am kinda of tired right now from being in the machine for a hour and half.  nothing much going on beside have the MRI

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th be with you

Today is Star Wars day, because the sound of the word Force, sound like 4th.

I am Star Wars Fan since the first movie came out in 1977.
not much to say.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hello May

wow time had gone so fast.

last month had been crazy with me having little heart issues and got the flu. A friend visited.
This month might be little quiet beside having MRI on my heart on 22 of May. I am not sure what to do with my Birthday coming up.

haven't read any last month due being too busy getting better. I am hoping to get one book done this month I would be little surprise to get 2nd one done.