Sunday, June 21, 2015

Still in Recovery

I am still in recovery from my surgery last week. After surgery I spend 3 days in the hospital. I was much in good hands. Surgery was success. My recovery is long and little painful. I am glad that I got it done now whew then I can get to travel later on.. I can't wait to travel to Northern Minnesota in August. My Favorite place in the world to spend my last part of summer.
My brother and family are planning to come up to Michigan from Texas in July but not sure exactly when but seems that they are serious of coming up. I have follow up appoiontment in July as well.
I can't wait to be done with my medication.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Big Day

Done cleaning the house whew...
Already put u my new repaired blind up myself. Glad that the cleaning is over.

other part of today..
American Pharoah wins the Triple Crown.. First time since Affirmed in 1978. I knew that he would win. He look very strong, Congrats to him.