Thursday, April 21, 2016

Singer, Prince is Gone

I am in shock that Prince, a singer had died earlier today. I have been silenced. he was reported not feeling well for few weeks.

RIP Prince

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring Is Back again

Spring is back again

started last wednesday with sunny, been sunny days for few days. I am enjoying spring right now. I hope it stays that way that winter will not go backward again. I am happy with the spring temperatures that I don't wanted to miss out.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

seasons have gone backwards.

I have Winter instead of Spring.. no more Spring, *pout* It will be few days of cold. Snow is in the future forecast. Guess I would need to wear warm clothes again. I am getting tired of the cold. I wanted spring to come or skip to Summer. hurry up Summer.
Can't wait for Summer to come..

Friday, April 1, 2016

Hello April

March have gone.. Time goes fast. Busy time
nothing much.