Saturday, March 10, 2007

i must apolized to everyone

i must apolized to everyone (my friends) for my negitive attitudes earlier i hope they would accept my apolizes i know that they are try to help me but it was not helping that i am feeling that they were blaming me but i know they were not blaming me it just been hardest thing how i feel they need to understand how much i have been through with my depression and the negitive thoughts was part of it and now since i am getting therapy is that i hope everything will be better sooner with a flow and i can be able to move on without crying and hating myself for what i did, my moods were up and down lot and i was off the wall
i have been writing about my moods and my feelings and etc... A LOT in journals it did help but talking to someone like therapist does help also but writing in journals are like everyday thing to do when you are feeling so down

i think i would better off without the stupid guy he is not the one for me anymore he is not worth to be with anymore move on to new guy if i can find one who is the one for me


Cheri said...

It's okay no harm feelings!!! ((Hugs)))

Sue said...

alright ((hugs back again)) ha smile

LovelyBlkGal said...

Awww Don't worry abt that! :) i do undy how feel about that