Monday, October 22, 2007

reseaching ghosts and hauntings

i love to learn about ghosts and since i was little that i start to researching Ghosts and never stop always make new research each time i thought up and make the lists of the research that i have done it is getting long. Some of the researches have become interested i have few favorites that i do over and over like add some of researches and updates. Sometimes i updated my researches like add to the old reseaches
i knew about ghosts since i was 8 and been researching about them since then but did stop for while until i got my interest in ghosts back and been researching or much long than i used to when i was young. I always find a wayinto reseaching of ghosts. I love to researching ghosts and hauntings even reading the books on. sometimes i separate the researchings to some “major” topics researching and i look up and add more to the research.
i start collect them (books) very serious right now i am beginning to collect ghost stories of the each states (separate) books each. I am researching all the books have written and i look up and whenever i goes in book store i buy those. I love Ghost/hauntings books i beginning to love to buy them and start the project to read them and add to the research of what i learned and look up what i can find.

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