Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Seasonal depression is back

i am feeling down again now with winter coming up i guess my seasonal depression is back it always come back during winter time every year which i really hate sighs. But only i can’t help feeling that way. Only i need to keep my vitmains intakes every day and Pappy to keep me busy and etc... maybe have to go back to my psychologist who did help me at first place when i came to his office for maybe some help. of course shopping i feel like wanna to go shopping again. I did went shopping while i was on cruise but now i have a feeling of wanted to go shopping again but soon i will go. i am trying to avoid buy stuff so i can be able to save for new computer. Pappy have make me feel better no matter how much my SAD have suffered.
i have it every year now last winter was so bad that why i went to see my psychologist and get some help to deal with and i am glad i got some help and it is helping and i don't feel much worse than last winter that i can be able to deal. i felt more stronger than i was before.
But i need to deal with my feelings, and let my family to know of my feelings and respect my feelings. Even my anger toward to my family i need to stop being angry with them because it wasn't not helping me and them to handle and i am working on it not to be angry and etc...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

got the book that i always wanted

Legend of Holly Claus

i got the book that i borrow from my sister and read it and really love it and had been looking for it for like 2 years i think
finally i found the book and got it yaya then i can read it during christmas time it is a christmas story and it is called Legend of Holly Claus and i love the book i am really glad that i got the copy of my own then i can read it over and over even at christmas time or anytime of the year when i feel like of reading that it is one of my favorite christmas story i was glad that my sister had it and i read it and really into reading that book i wouldn't put it down it was really good book.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Pappy's encounter with snow

Pappy had his encounter with snow when it was snowing so hard that it sticks on the grass and when i took him out for little walk. He just smell the snow and felt it was cold which he really hate the cold soon when i get him some booties then he can walk on the snow when it will snow more later on hope i will get the booties soon-very soon because he really need it to keep his paws dry and warm and i need more coats for him if his other coat get dirty or wet, i would wanted to get extra for him when he need to go out. Extras are perfect when really need to wear when go out in cold. i plan to get him some jammies for inside for while maybe from the every walks we takes.
I will take his picture of him with the booties and the coat in the snow when he get in the snow. It will be fun picture of him having his first winter in Michigan. Winter of 2007 into Winter 2008 is his first Winter in Michigan
Summer 2007 was his first Summer in Michigan and it was great and he love it. Fall 2007 was his first Fall and he like it but not really fond of Fall. Spring 2008 will be his very first Spring in Michigan.
Summer and Fall 2008 will be his second seasons.
I really enjoying watching him enjoying the weathers and the seasons and how he react to.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving to you all have safe holiday spending time with the families and have fun together have good fun holiday

i am doing the same spending my time with my expended family (my sister and her family with their 2 dogs, my brother and family with our parents and my dog.) and having fun with them i really enjoying spending my time with them during Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

i am sorry for not blog for a week

i was sorry for not blog for a week because i was extreme busy my brother and his family came on last thurs for a week until sat go home to CA and then my sister in law's brother did came last friday for few days did went home today to Louisiana, i miss him already heh he is sweet guy as i know.
they went to the Ohio State and Michigan game which Michigan lost oh well we had fun with him my brother and his wife with her brother and i went to 2 bars last night it was fun being with them. This week will be fun with my sister and her family being with us for Thanksgiving
will have Thanksgiving at home with my sister and her family and my brother and his family with me and our parents and we will go to my sister's in laws house for deserts it will be fun and more fun for few days
i can't wait to decorate the house with christmas stuff when everyone goes i don't wanted them to go but it is hard on me when i am trying to keep myself busy only for me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

busy week this week 11/13/07

really busy week this week

today will have carpet cleaners to clean the carpets in family room, the office, my bedroom and the stairs hope some day i will get my own carpet cleaner so i don't have to hire someone to do it for me.
my brother and his family will come on thurs from CA, will stay for a week until after thanksgiving i am so glad that they will stay for a week. and my sister in law's brother coming on friday for the Ohio State and Michigan game on Sat and will stay for few days. i have therapy on thurs oh well next week is thanksgiving we will have thanksgiving dinner at my brother in law's parents house but we will have some help with cooking like making pies, whipping cream for the pies, mash potatoes with cheese and maybe rolls who knows.
i bet this christmas will be quiet christmas i think we will get christmas tree early this year few days after thanksgiving. unlikely last christmas but i will found out more later on i love to decorate christmas stuff will do after thanksgiving and after my brother and his family go home so i can keep myself busy and even with Pappy around I really do love him very much sometimes it get annoyed when Pappy depend on me too much when i got into real busy mode but i always make sure he need to go out to potty.
wow now that Pappy turned 3 this year and his first Thanksgiving with me and also first christmas with me. I have plan for this christmas will buy treats, some toys and get Christmas stocking for Pappy for his first christmas with me. I am exciting about christmas since now that i brought things from cruise so i don't have to worry about buying more but i have few things for Bren, and Avery and i am finished with Alexa. But still plan to give the Adults one presents each but on their birthdays I plan that i will catch up to get more presents for them anyway.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Freedom of the Seas

I am back from the deaf cruise, Freedom of the Seas where all the deaf people went on it is all deaf cruise for almost 4,000 people. It was my 2nd cruise, but my first deaf cruise of course. I went with a good friend of mine and also she was my roommate on the cruise. All of us had so much fun visiting Islands of Cozumel, Georgetown Grand Cayman Island and Ocho Rios Jamaica, all the island were awesome and beautiful. I didn't go on explorations because they were expensive but I had fun shopping in these Islands, they have good stuffs. I start christmas shopping early that I always started. It sucks that I didn't go to Labadee Haiti because of Topical Storm Noel hit there but hopefully next time i would be able to visit there in the future. some days do have beautiful days with sunny and partly sunny.
I met new people from everywhere I was glad to be able to meet new people. My friend and I met Keith Wann's mother, Vickie Wann, she is great person and plus hanged out with her also. My friend and I hanged out with 2 people that we met 3 years ago along with another good friend of mine on a small deaf group cruise that we took with them. I hanged out with my 4 friends from my hometown and they had great time as I know that they did. It was hard to find some people around but I had so much fun meeting them.
Halloween party was awesome, I never seen so much people in little space in studio B which is a skating rink on the ship. they had so much fun dancing on the floor so many people on the floor OMG!!!! and entering the costume contests. Even the "witch" telling us scary story about the "Haunting Mask" oh man i love that story it was great heh. It was my first Halloween on the cruise.
The food was awesome really good food, I have few favorite foods on the ship that I felt it was not enough lol. So much to see on the ship, i saw almost everything on the ship my favorite places on the ship were cafe promenade, Internet deck and the pools. I like the Pools they are great places to hang out so much deaf people hanged there a lot. I got tan so fast heh for a week of sun. I tanned so easy with the sun lotions i used a lot because i get sunburn so easy that i had to be careful with, not to get sunburns.
I took so much pictures on the cruise almost everywhere even during Halloween party. I did took pictures of the Islands of course. I love to take pictures of places that I went to. I took pictures everywhere.
I hope to go on other deaf cruise someday I will go on explorations on my next cruise of course when i save enough money. I love to go on Cruises, it is one of my favorite vacation to go.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

happy birthday to my 3 family members

happy birthday to Alexa 11/10/07 will be 8, Avery 11/15/07 will be 2 and Scott 11/16/07 will be 33 i know too much November birthdays ha i am happy that they will be here in michigan on their birthdays (Avery’s and Scott’s) it had been almost a year since i have seen them. Pappy just turned 3 on 10/29/07
i will have fun with them

Monday, November 5, 2007

i am back from cruise

the cruise was AWESOME. I had such fun really enjoying hanging out with deaf people on the cruise and get to meet them even get to know them. the food was good i really enjoying eat them. my favorite foods are seafoods. I llike shopping on the Islands cozumel, grand cayman, and Jamaica they had good stuff mostly i brought T-shirts and christmas gifts for my family. hope some day when i go on other cruise that i would buy more stuff. even go on tours when i have enough money to buy tours i have few tours that i would love to go on when i go on other cruise i really enjoyed tours and i love it hehe i hope to go on other cruise trip soon
i have goal to be frequent cruise goer and wanted to go on different cruise lines. I love cruises so much, so much fun to go on vacations on cruises.