Friday, December 7, 2007

Update on my health

Last Night i had my blood test and my blood level went up and it was scary because it was up too high above the goal range and i had to get it down like eat green veggies it help the blood level go down i only love to eat green salads and get my doses of medication down. my blood level had been up and down like crazy never been on even level for long, hopefully soon it will stay on the goal level long enough that i would be able to eat green veggies without any problems like going down too much,
Today got my VP fix and i can be able to talk to my friends on VP. i hope nothing will go wrong or my dad unhook the VP like he did before sighs i hope he don't do that again. I need to review all the pluggings and make sure where all the plugs goes if Dad do that again then i have to do over again and get it back on and fix it i have to practice review so i won't mix the plugs up ant etc... i am so happy that my VP is all fixed heh then i can talk to my friends on our VPs

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