Sunday, June 21, 2009

Little sad

i am at home not at my sister's, i got so upset when mom change her mind of not going to my sister but i do understand that she is exhused but i have feeling that she didn't like me to be with my sister and my brother and be with them. i wish i gotten my license long time ago, of course i blamed mom's mistake when i first learn how to drive i wish she would let me drive more then and i get my license. SIGHS.
i was little depressed about it. But i know that they are coming back and i can spend my time with them. i will be ok. it is relaxing day today and resting my foot since i have twist it.
i am still not motivate to go visit my friend since i am worried about my leg and how it can handle the traveling. but i am still planning to see her when things calm down. i wanted to go to Northern Minnesota and have fun there. But i am still trying to plan what is better i think August will be good, maybe middle august but i am not sure if my friend already set up if she already did then i might have no choice to go but i will be ok i know how to take care of myself, i plan to go back to see grandma in October and might do little shopping there that i didn't do this weekend but it is ok. i wanted to go to cross stitch shop there and check that place out. maybe i can do that in October who knows.

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