Monday, March 22, 2010

Pappy is doing well

Pappy is doing well since his surgery and he is now on his old self being hyper little Iggy and also being a imp. But I don't mind him being that way that show me that he is doing great since then. I am glad that he is doing well dealing with no balls hanging. I am glad that I got it done so I don't have to worry about doing it later. I pay almost 480 dollars but it include the overnite kennel and shots that he need to have that I don't mind him get for safety and health.
I hope that my friend is working on get her time off so she can come and see me. I am thinking of going to Cleveland to see her soon maybe for a week who know and I am not sure when. I hope to work on it with her soon so she can set her time off.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pappy's surgery

Pappy have his neuter surgery done today and he is doing well also he is staying overnight to make sure he is doing well. Seems like he will come home tomorrow. I missed him so much as he is my baby. Can't wait to see him again tomorrow.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

weekend coming up

this weekend will be wonderful with sunny and warmth that I will begin to walk Pappy around the block near my house. I have done that earlier when it was sunny. It was sunny today and Pappy did enjoyed it I am glad. I love warm weather. I already set up surgery for Pappy in 2 weeks to be fixed, he need to be fixed due to health. I hope he will pull thought the surgery. I hope the surgery will go well.
There is a program tomorrow night that I would like to see called Who Do You Think You Are? I find it very interested about celebrities have family histories in the family and I am very interested to see it. I set the alarm for the program to let me know when it start.

Monday, March 1, 2010

First day of March

today is first day of March
it is unbelievable time goes fast and Spring is on the way I can't wait so I can take Pappy for long walk at sunset. I am sure Pappy loves sunset walks. I need to lose more weight as I have gained little weight. I am getting better from the flu I got last week about time it took me so long to get back to my self. I am still hanging in there as it is slowing into recovery.
my friend still wanted to see me after Easter so I guess it will be good time then I hope so. If there is good time for our visit together then it will be great visit for us. As I can't wait to see her after one year since. It was too long for us to see each other. I miss her, I am sure she miss me. I am glad that she wanted to see me again.

I guess not much going on right now. Soon there will be more news to post.