Monday, March 1, 2010

First day of March

today is first day of March
it is unbelievable time goes fast and Spring is on the way I can't wait so I can take Pappy for long walk at sunset. I am sure Pappy loves sunset walks. I need to lose more weight as I have gained little weight. I am getting better from the flu I got last week about time it took me so long to get back to my self. I am still hanging in there as it is slowing into recovery.
my friend still wanted to see me after Easter so I guess it will be good time then I hope so. If there is good time for our visit together then it will be great visit for us. As I can't wait to see her after one year since. It was too long for us to see each other. I miss her, I am sure she miss me. I am glad that she wanted to see me again.

I guess not much going on right now. Soon there will be more news to post.

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