Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All of us are at home

I just got back home last night and I was so tired that I slept great on my bed. I love to sleep on my own bed.
Pappy is home. I went to the kennel to get him before 10am so I don't have to pay for the next day. He is not feeling well I hope he will be ok look like a trip to the vet soon if he continue not feeling well. More money flying out of window. He did had temp earlier but right now it seems it had gone down but I am not sure if it will go back up but I am keeping my eye on him. I hope he will last the night without going out to potty tonight. Pappy is so happy to be home so he can rest. I am little worried about him. I hope he will be ok.
I did have great time in La, I did love New Orleans when I went there finally. I wanted to go back there again soon. I did got stuff from there. I wanted more ghost books from La. I did got 2 but I wanted more but I don't mind Kevin or Spring to get me some maybe just one this time, I know one book that I would let them get it for me. Maybe when Scott and Steph go back I can give them list, I have few books on the list that they would get me so they can get them for me and then I will pay them back.

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