Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas shopping had began

I have start doing my early Christmas shopping today at the mall. I got Doug and Cindy something from Eddie B. Also I got my friend from there as well. I like Eddie B myself. I am glad that Doug and Cindy like Eddie, hopefully my nephew maybe would like that store soon. But I am not sure when he will. I will ask Cindy if he would like to have some clothes from there someday. Maybe for his birthday who knows I will check out later on.
I got more Farmville cards from gamestop. I used all up in Farmville, oops ha. I need to get more soon anyway so I can get some christmas stuff. I hope that farmville will bring up stuff from last year or new stuffs this year I hope they could bring pine trees back I have to wait and see. I was pretty clueless last year when Farmville start. But now I am almost not so clueless than I was before.

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