Saturday, January 8, 2011

Little better today

I am little better today than I was yesterday. I kept up with NyQuil and DayQuil and it seems working and reponding to the medication. Also I took Afrin for my nose. I slept through the night without any trouble, YAY. Also I took 2 naps today I need rest that why I am resting lot and lot this weekend.
I went to the doctor yesterday because of my fever, I was surprise that I got fever. I don't usually get fever with cold or sinus infection. I knew something wrong with me because of my fever. My doc told me that I am having bad sinus infection and cold. UGH. I am so glad that I went to the doctor. She knows what medication I can take whew. I knew I can take NyQuil and DayQuil but I was not sure I could take but I can so in the future if I get cold again then I will take NyQuil and DayQuil again.
I gotta to rest lot again.

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