Saturday, December 10, 2011

Half finished

I am half finished with family presents.. Only 2 are left, my nephew and my dad. I am hoping to finished them all next week. I have few places like Office Max and gocery store that I need to go and pick few things before Christmas. Then I need break from spending money. I need to save my money for next year because I have this feeling that I might be traveling little bit and need some money to take.

I think next year will be better with the money issue I am having hopefully will be resolved.

Yesterday had meeting with my VRS counselor about jobs oppunities and etc.. She had other options to lead me from there to where I would be at and keep up with. I will keep up with them better and keep up with them as they will help me.  I have given up try to get some of people before but wouldn't get them. It was fed up timing.

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