Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sandy tree lighted up in NYC

The Norway Spruce that survived Hurricane Sandy when Sandy came ashore a month ago today (11/29/12) lighted up in NYC in a lighting ceremony for the traditional christmas holiday. The tree is truly a survivor. It was unbelieveable that the tree had survived. The tree is a 80 foot tall.

Picture posted borrowed from the yahoo. com. I credited the website for the picture. picture

I wish I was in NYC to be at the tree lighting ceremony and see the Sandy Tree as I call it.  I always wanted to visit NYC again. 


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Last week of November

I can't believe this week is last week of November before next week as it will be first week of December as December 1st is on Saturday. I felt so good of going shopping today (11/26). Got fabrics for my new projects, even ribbons for hangings.

I  got my dog Pappy christmas presents a new bed and one new toy a toy bone with red and white. Pappy like the new bed as he is sleeping in it.

Recovery from Sandy is still progressing slowly as it is nearly a month since the Hurricane hit the East Coast, Sandy cost NY 32 billion dollars in damages and loss. Even NY and New Jersey put 71 billion price tag on Hurricane Sandy of the damages and loss.

My Thanksgiving from last week was good and felt good being with my family a little bit but not so bad. My sister and I did talk about fashions and shoes.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

2 birthdays

2 birthdays in 2 days..
Today is my 2nd niece birthday she is 7 today. Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. I have too many birthdays this month of November ugh, heh.

Recovery from Sandy is still going slowly. NYC got partly power back on. Hurricane Sandy cause lot of damages and there are lot of repairs and rebuilding on things like Jersey Shore, as Jersey Shore are gone. Hurricane Sandy had raked #2 as Hurricane Katrina is still raked #1 of billions of damages and human loss.

I am beginning of doing Christmas shopping, my first gift I got for my baby nephew. I found few things for my brother, my brother in law and my father, hope to get it later this month. last weekend I found things I wanted for Christmas hopefully that I would get them, if not I will get them after Christmas.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November is here

Wow November is here and in few weeks it will be Thanksgiving. I don't really celebrate holidays as I know that yesterday was Halloween but I am nice enough to give out candies to treaters. My review of celebrating holidays have change in years, that I have no one to celebrate with.

Recovery of Hurricane Sandy have begin but very slowly, it will be months until we go back where we were before Sandy hit the east coast. I have see all the pictures of the damages cause by Sandy were terrible. I am sure there is some of billion of dollars of damages. But not sure exactly how much. The East Coast won't be same.