Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Last week of November

I can't believe this week is last week of November before next week as it will be first week of December as December 1st is on Saturday. I felt so good of going shopping today (11/26). Got fabrics for my new projects, even ribbons for hangings.

I  got my dog Pappy christmas presents a new bed and one new toy a toy bone with red and white. Pappy like the new bed as he is sleeping in it.

Recovery from Sandy is still progressing slowly as it is nearly a month since the Hurricane hit the East Coast, Sandy cost NY 32 billion dollars in damages and loss. Even NY and New Jersey put 71 billion price tag on Hurricane Sandy of the damages and loss.

My Thanksgiving from last week was good and felt good being with my family a little bit but not so bad. My sister and I did talk about fashions and shoes.

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