Saturday, June 1, 2013

June is here

wow I can't believe June is already arrived.
Next Friday my nephew will graduate from HS and this coming fall he will be entering his first year at Indiana University.

By the time in the end of June We will be giving my parents their 50th anniversary party, it would be fun. It will be great to see all the oldest family friends that we haven't seen for years. I can't wait to see my friend and her parents who will be attending the party.

Update of my infected leg. it got better after 3 weeks with me being on medication for 2 weeks. I have slow heal immunity systems meaning that my body heals so slow, usually heal up to 2 to a month to heal and get better. It was the worse infection I ever had beside my blood clot before but it was not a blood clot this time, it was bad infection.

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