Thursday, December 31, 2015

It is New Year Eve

I can't believe that the year 2015 will be, tonight at Midnight and tomorrow will be first day of 2016. I hope it will be good year. It was bad year for me, it was good at the beginning of 2015 until May, my health begun to decline that I had to have surgery in June..and the painful recovery was so bad that I was in much in pain for about 21/2 months and feeling the aftermath of the pains due to weather.. and they found other problem that I will need to have other surgery which will be next week. I hope later of the 2016 will be good to me that my health will return. Will post more tomorrow.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Appomattox Court House Historic Place

All of us went to Appomattox, VA to Appomattox Court House. It is the place General Lee surrendered to General Grant to end the Civil War a week before President Lincoln was shot in April of 1865. The Court House was the first place to begun the surrendered. I am so glad to see the place. I love history.
Now that it is the second place I have been to in VA..

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

My Christmas is good
Pappy is not feeling well. He is little off today due to his little problems. I hope it won't last but He had to be in Kennel in 2 weeks due me not be able to be with hime for while.
I got great gifts.. I love my gifts.

My Lunch was so good. Had a leftover pulled pork from the dinner last night.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

In Virginia

I am in Virginia right now. I am just chilling around the house.
I am so relieved that I got there last night..
The drive yesterday was little harder..and seems little longer as I thought it would be as got lost a little bit in Ohio..
I am so glad that I am here now.. Whew. I hope the trip back home won't be too hard.

I am good for Christmas

Friday, December 18, 2015


I hate to be depressed.. I think I am losing friends,I felt that they stop caring about me. I guess I better let them go. I am getting lonely, I am always lonely everyday.
I hate when they ignore me.

I guess I don't have a life anymore.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hello December

I can't believe it is December now.. And Christmas will be in few weeks. Look like I might be in Virginia for Christmas. Just wait and see. I will keep my eyes on the forecast of the weather. I can't wait to go there, I miss Virginia very much.
I am glad that I have already started Christmas shopping last month and only 6 people left to finish. I will get them started next week. I am totally so happy that I finished all of my plastic canvas coasters projects for everyone. Whew.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Michigan Game

I am really depressed. Michigan lost to OSU in the football game.
actually they had good season this year. I am really proud that they have inpoved the game.
right now I am waiting for the result of the possibly of a bowl game soon.
I hope next year Michigan will be better.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Just got home from the BeMents as I was there for Thanksgiving. I had fun that I never had been for years. My nephew had invited me to play games with my niece and their cousins. It was fun that I really enjoyed. I never laughed so hard than I had before. Reason I went home is because I am little tired plus I am wanting to be with Pappy, my little man. Everyone are about to collapse with exhaustion. I don't blame them that they just wanted to relax from all the crazies this afternoon. 
It was good Thanksgiving I ever had.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Michigan's first snow of the season

Michigan got hit by Snowstorm yesterday and had been snowing all day yesterday. Stop snowing about late last night. Got about 12 inches, a foot of snow. Nick, my snowplow man did my driveway and clear it out. I always knew that every November in Michigan always get the snow of the season every November.

Day after the aftermath of the snowstorm. See how much snow I have gotten. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Paris Under Attack

Paris had been attacked by terriorists. The World stand for France and Paris. I am so scared and I am depressed of what happened.
I will wake up tomorrow very depressed. I will pray for them now on and in the morning.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Bye October and Hello November

I can't believe that now is November

My niece is 7 today..

Need to get my oldest niece's birthday presents done..very soon so I can get them off to her before her birthday next week. She will be 16. I wouldn't believe time goes so fast when kids grow up so fast.

I have lot of Christmas presents I need to get them done..I will be very busy this month,
Need to get Halloween decorations away, get my room clean up before the family guests come for Thanksgiving. I am little anxiously to get all the presents done so I can get my room clean up and put the crafts away.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Have a good Halloween..
Am having very quiet Halloween

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Update on the Chelsea Mammoth

Update on the Chelsea Mammoth
It was not Woolly Mammoth as we thought it was. It was a hybid mammoth, a mix of 2 species of Columbian and Woolly mammoths, called Jeffersonian Mammoth.
The mammoth will be moving to University of Michigan museum of Natural History this week for cleaning and study.
I am hoping to see it someday if they decide to display the mammoth.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Big Discovery In Chelsea, Michigan

A big Discovery in Michigan...
A over 10,000 years old nearly complete Woolly Mammoth bones have been found Thursday, Oct 1st  in my town of Chelsea Michigan in a soy field by a farmer who own the land where the bones were. They thought one of the bone were a bend fence post but it turn out to be a rib bone sticking out in mud.
Paleontology Professor of University of Michigan and his team of paleontology students found more bones and the biggest piece were the skull and the tusks attach to the skull. It was amazing find right here in Chelsea. So close to my home. I am really in awe of the findings.
I love paleontology, since I was little. Museums of Natural History are my favorite museums. I always enjoyed the exhibits of the histories of Nature. I never got bored with Natural History and Paleontology.

 Skull and tusks of the Woolly Mammoth found in the field in Chelsea


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hello October

Bye September.
I can't wait for tonight show, Sleepy Hollow. I already put my Halloween decorations up. I can't wait for Halloween.
I am nervous of the Hurricane Joaquin. Cindy, Doug and Alexa in Virginia. I am nervous for them. I am sure they will be ok since they are in Southwest VA but still they live near the lake.
I miss them. I miss SML. I miss being in Virginia. Can't wait to be in Virginia soon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hello September

September had come. I couldn't believe school is back next week. I know it is kind of late this year. I am little nervous of my appointment next week. I don't know what going to be.
I will found out on the appointment.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hello August

wow July have gone past.
July had been good month for me beside being still in pain from the surgery. Scott and his family came to visit.. It was great to see them again. I will miss them..
Hope August will be good month for me.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Into 2nd month of recovery,

Into 2nd month of recovery from the surgery last month.. Will have follow up with my surgeon in 2 weeks.
2 weeks of waiting for my appointment..

Tonight I would be able to see the "Bethlehem Star" the pair of planets, Jupiter and Venus appearing in the evening Sky. Tonight will be clear that I will be able to see them. That I didn't get to see on June 30 when the 2 planets were much close in the evening sky looking like the Bethlehem Star that appeared 2,000 years ago around of 2 BC.  Who knows.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Still in Recovery

I am still in recovery from my surgery last week. After surgery I spend 3 days in the hospital. I was much in good hands. Surgery was success. My recovery is long and little painful. I am glad that I got it done now whew then I can get to travel later on.. I can't wait to travel to Northern Minnesota in August. My Favorite place in the world to spend my last part of summer.
My brother and family are planning to come up to Michigan from Texas in July but not sure exactly when but seems that they are serious of coming up. I have follow up appoiontment in July as well.
I can't wait to be done with my medication.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Big Day

Done cleaning the house whew...
Already put u my new repaired blind up myself. Glad that the cleaning is over.

other part of today..
American Pharoah wins the Triple Crown.. First time since Affirmed in 1978. I knew that he would win. He look very strong, Congrats to him.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Happy Memorial Day!!

Had meeting with my vascular surgeon last Friday and the decision to do the surgery have been set for June 11th and I have to go in on the 2nd for pre-op appointment. I will be staying in the hospital for a day or 2, maybe 3 depend how I feel and how I am doing after. Pappy will be staying in the boarding Kennel for few days while I am in the hospital.
Had talk to my friend to let her know what was going on. She decided to see me before the surgery that will be great. Would love to see her again and keep my mind off about the surgery. I can't wait to see my friend. I hope she can be able to come.
Started to clean my room to get ready for my friend's visit. I don't like messy room while I am having her visiting. Beside the real reason I was doing that is because I can't do anything while I am in recovery from the surgery and that it will be month or little more.  While I am in recovery I can read and doing cross stitching, trying to finish my projects. That will be great to finish.

Friday, May 8, 2015


I am home since last night. Already miss Virginia..
I am going in for CT Scan on monday to check my hip area where my current problems is.
I am nervous and scared. I have feeling there will be possibly surgery this summer, the recovery from the surgery will be little long.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Packing for VA

I am packing for Virginia, for 14 days. I am leaving tomorrow for Virginia. I hope this trip will not be too much. But will be since will be raining down there.
I love Virginia so much that I am so excited that I am staying there longer than before. Virginia is one of my favorite state. I will have much fun there. I am sure the weather will be great and the temps will not be bad, warm I am sure.
While I am there hope to get haunting books of Virginia. I don't care which books there will be. Hope next summer we will do lot of things, like boating and visit some places. I love historic places.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Finally back on Laptop

I am really glad that I am back on laptop, new one. My brother gave me his old one. So sweet of him. I started up the laptop last night, took a while to get my stuff back. Whew everything is back that I got them back. I miss being on laptop for few months. I was losing my patient of waiting for new laptop.
I got good health from my cardio doctor last Monday. Am waiting to hear from my vascular doctor about my AV fistula to see what will going to happen.. Beside I am ok.