Monday, May 25, 2015


Happy Memorial Day!!

Had meeting with my vascular surgeon last Friday and the decision to do the surgery have been set for June 11th and I have to go in on the 2nd for pre-op appointment. I will be staying in the hospital for a day or 2, maybe 3 depend how I feel and how I am doing after. Pappy will be staying in the boarding Kennel for few days while I am in the hospital.
Had talk to my friend to let her know what was going on. She decided to see me before the surgery that will be great. Would love to see her again and keep my mind off about the surgery. I can't wait to see my friend. I hope she can be able to come.
Started to clean my room to get ready for my friend's visit. I don't like messy room while I am having her visiting. Beside the real reason I was doing that is because I can't do anything while I am in recovery from the surgery and that it will be month or little more.  While I am in recovery I can read and doing cross stitching, trying to finish my projects. That will be great to finish.

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