Saturday, February 9, 2008

relaxing weekend

i am having relaxing weekend
hang out on the computer checking everything out. read my few books, i have lot of books that i have been reading. I have like 5 books to read even reading at same time back and forth.
doing cross stitch project for a friend's wedding. i am glad that i got more threads yesterday so that i can start on the cross stitch again with more threads to do. i love to do cross stitch i was so glad that i got into cross stitching
i love relaxing weekend. i have lot things to do that i like to keep myself busy like cleaning my room and etc... after finished cleaning and i can relax and doing my project.

1 comment:

Faith said...

ohhh!!! i love relaxing weekends too!!! =)

hi sue! i bet you don't remember me but i think we've met at the d.tribe.

how's it going?
