Sunday, September 28, 2008

lost few of my friends

I am very depressed that i felt that i am losing friends i don't know what i did wrong that make them not be my friends i wish that they would tell me what wrong. i think one did quit facebook that why the person was not on my friend list.
i have met lot of people and i guess they don't look at me like a friend anymore, and they ignored me and i felt that they look at me like a weird stranger not wanted to be my friends also they have avoid to be my friends. That really hurt my feelings really badly. I simply don't understand what their problems are if they were not telling me. if they were then i will understand then i will not be their friend either.
only one thing i don't like to is bother them or make them feel pressures from me.
i guess that they sees me like i am not very nice person but i am nice person but problems is my shyness is taking me over.
i guess i better off to be alone without anyone in my life.

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