Friday, February 6, 2009

feeling better

i am feeling better from the flu for last 4 days it was awful that i wouldn't eat more. but now i can eat more heh. i am glad i am better, i hate to be sick. i have been writing my big story as it is my favorite that i have been write it for so long as i orangized the story recently. i need to take care of myself by need to eat more food, so i don't get sick. i don't eat much i am wonder that why i kept getting sick cause i don't eat much.
I need to go to Target to shop for my personal stuffs. i am little anxious to get them. Also Pappy's things too of course one thing baggies that are very important. i am thinking of want to check out JoAnn. not been to JoAnn for while now as it is time to make the trip.

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