Sunday, April 5, 2009

plans are in progress

plans are in progress of getting together with my friend are doing well i hope. But i think things will go well. i can't wait to see her again. i have plan for her visit hopefully we can go to Walmart then maybe go to JoAnn and if we have time we can go to mall to look around. I miss her so much, hopefully this summer i can be able to go to Cleveland to visit her. I can't wait to go to Cleveland this summer. when i get my drivers license i can go there anytime on full weekends of course. I can't wait to drive. I wish i have drive before sighs. I am hoping that i can drive.
today is much relaxing day as i am enjoying it and i am watching movies, and doing crafts. Of course finishing reading the book. Before i get other book to start. i renew my permit last friday so all is set for my driving lessons. I can't wait to drive soon hopefully that i can be able to drive i guess the glasses will help who knows. i think i can do it.

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