Saturday, June 9, 2007

feeling so lousy today

I have been so busy this week with my new dog that i didn't relized that i was feeling so lousy until today that i was feeling so lousy that i am not very happy of what going on but i have no idea what is wrong. The feelings were really bothering me so much that i don't know what is going on and don't know what to do. i am just to be frightened about what going on here. but i will not let it get to me much worse as i am feeling about it, i would need to let it flow by and see what will happened i won't make things worse if i say nothing about it just keep it to myself until i will found out from them that all i need to. I need to relax and not to be frightened about things like that. But i hope i will find out later on when everything calm down or whatever it is.
I am trying to get my life back the way it was before I never had a life since then that time i was not on line much or be in chatroom. I wish i haven't gone back to that chatroom last year when I left wish had to stay away from chatroom then i won't have started be in shit relationship with this stupid man sighs.
I wish that I would stay very firm that I don't need to to have relationship online that i would have turn them down. I hate to have relationships on line which I hate so much because it is fake never been real ack!! make me sick to my stomach I better off be single rather be taken anyway! because never know what men really wanted or say something else that you really expect to hear from them. Men always expect women to do all the work for them not being equal and even help. I like to be equal like if I can't do something for the men then they need to do something to make it work. I never understand men at all anymore. I hate this stupid man making me feeling insulted that I feel used by him or he feel used but i wish he won't be feeling used if I did something different to prevent problems but things are too LATE for us. Too bad that is his loss that he choose not to be in relationship with me and i won't have him back anymore. One time is enough for me. i never give a 2nd chance in relationship only once is all. break up is broken.

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