Friday, June 1, 2007

researching and reading about dogs

i am reading dog books and learning about dogs and their breeds also their health and what to do and etc... and make notes what i need to do with the dog. i get more informations lot of them to make list for what dog needs like bed and foods and of course toys to play with. i am learning and hope i will buy for my new dog and check everything and etc... i always wanted dogs almost all my life and now i am about getting one about time since i was kid yaya i am glad that my sister found one for me a adult dog already trained and house broken perfect for first dog with any hassle to train a puppy for a first dog. can’t wait get one this month.
i am now reading, learning and get more informations about other people experiences themselves with their dogs in one of the dog forums that i belong to. i like to get informations about raising dogs personal from people. i begin to understand and start to make notes for myself in case when it happen to me with my dog i always would love to experience taking care of my dog. i will always love them like they are my own kid

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