Sunday, June 3, 2007

shopping for my dog

went to 2 different stores to shop for my new dog it was much fun to get dog stuffs ha i begin to love to shop for my new dog
can't wait to get more and more stuffs hehe i begin to get crazy over getting dog stuffs ha. Who knows i will take him to those pet stores they are one of some stores that welcome pets in the stores. That will be so cool when people see my dog and go wow what a great dog heh. Can't wait to do that someday with him going with me in the store .
got dog food, treats, baggies, toys and some more leash. i brought travel bag for future travel for my dog when he go with me to somewhere. i am already parpare for him to come home-his new home of course i am sure he will enjoying his new home when he comes. i will get him more toys. There is a cubcle "shelf" box that have "cloth boxes that go in those "shelf" i will get it soon. can't wait to have him in my life.

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